The Minimum
Sample Size in Factor Analysis
Authored by Nathan
Why I Studied This Issue?
I did an apprentice project studying the reasons why
students withdrew from their online courses. In this project, I got a dataset
that had 35 variables indicating various withdrawal reasons. I wanted to use
factor analysis to reduce the 35 variables to a few categories of withdrawal
reasons. However, I only have 47 casese in the
dataset. Many people suggested that the number of cases was too small for
performing a factor analysis. But, I really do not want to waste the time and
energy I had spent and just throw away this dataset. Yes! I want to
"explain the most with the least" (Henson & Roberts, 2006, p.
Thus, I deceided to find out
what is the minimum sample size (i.e., the minimum number of cases - some
researchers called it subjects) for performing factor analysis. Here is the
related information I found.
The General Recommendations
There are two categories of general recommendations in
terms of minimum sample size in factor analysis. One category says that the
absolute number of cases (N) is important, while the
another says that the subject-to-variable ratio (p) is important.
Arrindell and van der Ende (1985), Velicer and Fava (1998), and MacCallum, Widaman, Zhang and Hong (1999) have reviewed many of these
of sample size
Rule of 100: Gorsuch (1983) and
Kline (1979, p. 40) recommanded at least 100 (MacCallum, Widaman, Zhang &
Hong, 1999). No sample should be less than 100 even though the number of
variables is less than 20 (Gorsuch, 1974, p. 333; in Arrindell & van der Ende, 1985, p. 166);
Hatcher (1994) recommanded that
the number of subjects should be the larger of 5 times the number of variables,
or 100. Even more subjects are needed when communalities are low and/or few
variables load on each factor (in David Garson, 2008).
Rule of 150: Hutcheson and Sofroniou
(1999) recommends at least 150 - 300 cases, more toward the 150 end when there
are a few highly correlated variables, as would be the case when collapsing
highly multicollinear variables (in David Garson,
Rule of 200. Guilford (1954, p. 533) suggested that N should
be at least 200 cases (in MacCallum, Widaman, Zhang & Hong, 1999, p84; in Arrindell & van der Ende, 1985; p. 166).
Rule of 250. Cattell (1978)
claimed the minimum desirable N to be 250 (in MacCallum, Widaman, Zhang &
Hong, 1999, p84).
Rule of 300. There should be at least 300 cases (Noru?is, 2005: 400, in David
Garson, 2008).
Significance rule. Lawley and
Maxwell (1971) suggested 51 more cases than the number of variables, to support
chi-square testing (in David Garson, 2008).
Rule of 500. Comrey and Lee
(1992) thought that 100 = poor, 200 = fair, 300 = good, 500 = very good, 1,000
or more = excellent They urged researchers to obtain
samples of 500 or more observations whenever possible (in MacCallum,
Widaman, Zhang & Hong, 1999, p84).
of subjects-to-variables (STV)ratio
A ratio of 20:1. Hair, Anderson, Tatham,
and Black (1995, in Hogarty, Hines, Kromrey, Ferron, & Mumford,
Rule of 10. There should be at least 10 cases for each
item in the instrument being used. (David Garson, 2008; Everitt,
1975; Everitt, 1975, Nunnally,
1978, p. 276, in Arrindell & van der Ende, 1985, p. 166; Kunce, Cook, & Miller, 1975, Marascuilor
& Levin, 1983, in Velicer & Fava, 1998, p. 232)
Rule of 5. The subjects-to-variables ratio should be no
lower than 5 (Bryant and Yarnold, 1995, in David
Garson, 2008; Gorsuch, 1983, in MacCallum,
Widaman, Zhang & Hong, 1999; Everitt,
1975, in Arrindell & van der
Ende, 1985; Gorsuch, 1974,
in Arrindell & van der Ende, 1985, p. 166)
A ratio of 3(:1) to 6(:1) of STV is acceptable if the lower
limit of variables-to-factors ratio is 3 to 6. But, the absolute minimum sample
size should not be less than 250.(Cattell, 1978, p.
508, in Arrindell & van der
Ende, 1985, p. 166)
Ratio of 2. "[T]here should be at least twice as
many subjects as variables in factor-analytic investigations. This means that
in any large study on this account alone, one should have to use more than the
minimum 100 subjects" (Kline, 1979, p. 40).
Statistical Research Findings on Minimum
Sample Size
Little statistical research in the fields of Education
and Behaviour Science has shed light on the issue of
establishing a minimum desirable level of sample size (MacCallum,
Widaman, Zhang & Hong, 1999). These studies used
either artificial or empirical data to investigate the minimum sample size or
STV ratio that is required in order to recover the population factor structure.
In this section, I will summarize the minimum sample size and STV ratio that
these studies had examined.
Barrett and Kline (1981, in MacCallum,
Widaman, Zhang & Hong, 1999) used two large
empirical data sets to investigate this issue. They drew sub-samples of various
size from the original full samples and performed
factor analysis with each sub-sample to compare the results of sub-samples with
the result of full samples. They obtained good recovery:
from a sub-sample of N = 48 [1] for one
data set that has 16 variables, which represents a STV ratio of 3.0;
and from a
sub-sample of N = 112 for another data set that has 90
variables, which STV ratio is 1.2.
[1] This
number was reported as 50 "to be the minimum to yield a clear,
recognizable factor pattern" (p. 167) in Arrindell
and van der Ende's paper
Arrindell and van der Ende (1985) used two large
empirical data sets that have 1104 cases and 960 cases respectively to examine
the minimum sample sizes and STV ratios that can produce stable factor
structure. By drawing sub-samples from the two large data sets, the authors
found that:
for the first data set, which had 76 variables, the
minimum STV ratio (p) that required to produce clear, recognizable
factor solution was 1.3 and the corresponding sample size (N) was 100;
for the second
data set, which has 20 variables, the minimum STV ratio (p) was 3.9 and
the corresponding sample size (N) was 78.
MacCallum, Widaman, Zhang & Hong (1999) conducted a Monte Carlo
Study on sample size effects. They obtained an excellent recovery (100%
convergence) of population factor structure with a sample size (N) of 60
and 20 variables. However, this result was obtained only when the level of
communality (over .7 in average) and overdetermination
(3 loaded factors) were high (Table 1 on page 93).
Preacher & MacCallum (2002)
conducted a Monte Carlo study. Their conclusion is:
N had by
far the largest effect on factor recovery, which exhibited a sharp drop-off
below N s of 20 or so. (p.157)
The Minimum Sample Size or STV Ratio Used
in Practical Studies
Henson and Roberts (2006) reported a review of 60
exploratory factor analysis in four journals: Educational
and Psychological Measurement, Journal of Educational Psychology, Personality
and Individual Differences, and Psychological Assessment.
Minimum sample size reported: 42.
Minimum STV ratio reported: 3.25:1; 11.86% of reviewed studies
used a ratio less than 5:1.
Fabrigar, Wegener, MacCallum, and Strahan (1999)
reported a review of articles that used EFA in two journals: Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology (JPSP) and Journal of
Applied Psychology (JAP).
Sample size: 30 (18.9%) articles in JPSP and 8 (13.8%) in
JAP were 100 or less.
Ratio of variable to factors: 55 (24.6%) papers in JPSP
and 20 (34.4%) in JAP were 4:1 or less.
Costello and Osborne (2005) surveyed two year's PsychINFO articles that reported principal components or
exploratory factor analysis.
STV ratio |
% of
studies |
% |
2:1 or less |
14.7% |
14.7& |
> 2:1,
? 5:1 |
25.8% |
40.5% |
> 5:1,
? 10:1 |
22.7% |
63.2% |
> 10:1, ? 20:1 |
15.4% |
78.6% |
> 20:1, ? 100:1 |
18.4% |
97.0% |
> 100:1 |
3.0% |
100.0% |
Ford, MacCallum, and Tait (1986) examined articles published in Journal
of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Organizational
Behavior and Human Performance during the period of 1974 - 1984.
RTV ratio: 27.3% of the studies were less than 5:1, 56%
were less than 10:1.
Factors Related to Sample Size
Research has demonstrated that the general rule of thumb
of the minimum sample size are not valid and useful (MacCallum,
Widaman, Zhang, & Hong, 1999; Preacher & MacCallum, 2002). It is hard and simplicity to say whether
absolute sample size is important or the STV ratio is important in factor
analysis. The minimum level of N (sample size) was dependent
on other aspects of design, such as:
Communality of the variables
The communality measures the percent of variance in a
given variable explained by all the factors jointly and may be interpreted as
the reliability of the indicator (Gason, 2008).
If communalities are high, recovery of population
factors in sample data is normally very good, almost
regardless of sample size, level of overdetermination,
or the presence of model error (MacCallum, Widaman, Preacher, and Hong, 2001, p. 636)
MacCallum, Widaman, Zhang, and Hong (1999) suggested communalities
should all greater than .6, or the mean level of
communality to be at least .7 (p. 96).
Item communalities are considered "high" if
they are all .8 or greater - but
this is unlikely to occur in real data (Costello & Osborne, 2005, p. 4).
Degree of overdetermination of
the factor (or number of factors/number of variables)
Overdetermination is the
factor-to-variable ratio (Preacher & MacCallum,
Six or seven indicators per factor and a
rather small number of factors is considered as high overdetermination
of factors if many or all communalities are under .50 (MacCallum,
Widaman, Zhang, & Hong, 1999).
A minimum of 3 variables per
factor is critical. This confirms the theoretical results
of T. W. Anderson and Rubin (1956; also see McDonald & Krane,
1977, 1979, and Rindskopf, 1984). (Velicer, & Fava, 1998, p.
At least four measured variables for each common
factor and perhaps as many as six (Fabrigar,
Wegener, MacCallum, & Strahan,
1999, p. 282)
A factor with fewer than three itmes is generally weak and unstable (Costello &
Osborne, 2005, p. 5)
Size of loading
Item loading magnitude accounted for significant unique
variance in the expected direction in all but one case, and in most cases was
the strongest unique predictor of congruence between sample and population
(Osborne, & Costello, 2004).
The sample-to-population pattern fit was very good for the
high (.80) loading condition, moderate for the middle (.60) loading condition, and very
poor (.40) for the low loading condition (Velicer
& Fava, 1998).
5 or more strongly loading items (.50 or better) are
desirable and indicate a solid factor (Costello & Osborne, 2005, p. 5).
If components possess four or more variables with loadings above .60, the pattern
may be interpreted whatever the sample size used . Similarly, a
pattern composed of many variables per component (10 to 12) but low
loadings (= .40) should be an accurate solution at all but the
lowest sample sizes (N < 150). If a
solution possesses components with only a few
variables per component and low component loadings, the pattern
should not be interpreted unless a sample size of 300
or more observations has been used. (Guadagnoli
& Velicer, 1988, p. 274)
Model fit (f)
It is defined in terms of the population root mean
squared residual (RMSR) (Preacher & MacCallum,
RMSR = .00, .03, .06, respectively correspond to perfect,
good, and fair model fit in the population (Preacher & MacCallum,
Lack of fit of the model in the population will not, on the
average, influence recovery of population factors in
analysis of sample data, regardless of degree of model error and regardless of
sample size (MacCallum, Widaman,
Preacher, & Hong, 2001, p. 611).
Model fit has little effect on factor recovery. It is
probably very rare in practice to find factor models exhibiting simultaneously
high communalities and poor fit (Preacher & MacCallum,
2002, p. 157).
the differences between (extraction) methods with respect
to ability to reproduce the population pattern were generally minor (Velicer & Fava, 1998, p. 243)
The general rule of thumb of the
minimum sample size are not valid and useful.
What I did with the data I have:
Repeat the method Garson (
proposed until the KMO overall is over .60.
Check the communality of each variable. Drop the variables that has the smallest communality, until the
communalities of all variables are above .60.
Check the mean value of all communalities to ensure that
the mean value is over .07. If not, repeat step 2.
Use Kaiser strategy (dropping
all components with eigenvalues under 1.0) and Scree plot to determine the number of factors.
Set the loading size cut-off value as .60, and drop the factors that has less than 3 variables.
Finally, with principal component analysis, I got 4
factors with 32 variables, representing a STV ratio of 1.48:1 (47/32). The
overall KMO is .616, the minimum value of all communalities is .62, the maximum
value of communalities is .879, the mean value of
communalities is .770 with a standard deviation of .074. There is no cross
loading among the 4 factors. Two of the 4 factors each have 5 loaded variables,
one has 4 loaded variables, and one has 3 loaded variables. The
variable-to-factor ratio is 8 (32/4). I think this can be considered as a
moderate to high degree of overdetermination.
"As long as communalities are high, the number of
expected factors is relatively small, and model error is low (a condition which
often goes hand-in-hand with high communalities), researchers and reviewers
should not be overly concerned about small sample sizes." (Preacher & MacCallum, 2002, p. 160)
"Strong data" in factor analysis means
uniformly high communalities without cross loadings, plus several variables
loading strongly on each factor. (Costello and Osborne, 2005, p. 4)
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