Managing software development process has been an important issue in the IT field. Since the mid-1980s, Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has been exploring the effective way of managing software development process. In 1987, SEI proposed a software process maturity framework [16]. Later in 1991, it further announced the capability maturity model (CMM) [26]. Since then, there has been a rapidly growing number of software organizations adopting the CMM as a framework for internal improvement initiatives, including commercial organizations. This study surveys the IT organizations of the top 1000 business companies in Taiwan. It explores the status of software process management (SPM) in these companies and compares the findings with a similar study done in 1996. It further compares the SPM status with Japanese and the U.S. data reported in the literature. Finally, it identifies the weaknesses of the surveyed companies and recommends corrective actions for improving their software processes.
Keywords: Software process management, capability maturity model, key practice, continual process improvement, software quality, productivity management, longitudinal study.
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Since Dec. 6, 2003
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