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Publication Categories of Eldon Y. Li

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Eldon Y. Li (Home)

(* denotes the corresponding author.)

*** SSCI Journal Papers ***

  1. Tang, L. Li, E.Y., Jiang, J.* (2024.11). A meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of trust in the sharing economy. Internet Research (Emerald), 34(6), 2257-2297. (SSCI)
  2. Liang, X.B., Hu, X.J., Li, E.Y.*, Meng, H. (2023.7). Untangling the influence of perceived sustainability orientation on value-co-creation behavior in crowdfunding process: Investigating a mediation model. Internet Research (Emerald), 33(4), 1544-1572. (SSCI)
  3. Meng, Z.Y., Zhou, Y.T., Li, E.Y., Peng, X.Y., Qiu, R.* (2023.5). Environmental and economic impacts of drone-assisted truck delivery under the carbon market price. Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), , 401(15 May), 136758, 1-13. (SSCI)
  4. Juan, S.-J. and Li, E.Y.*, (2023.4). Financial performance of firms with supply chains during the Covid-19 pandemic: the roles of dynamic capability and supply chain resilience. International Journal of Operations and Production Management (Emerald), 43(5), 712-737. (SSCI)
  5. Tang, L., Li, E.Y., Wu, P., & Jiang, J.* (2022). Optimal decisions for green supply chain with a risk-averse retailer under government intervention. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer), 9, 70014-70039. (SSCI)
  6. Juan, S.-J., Li, E.Y.*, and Hung, W.-H. (2022). An integrated model of supply chain resilience and its impact on supply chain performance under disruption. International Journal of Logistics Management (Emerald), 33(1), 339-364. (SSCI)
  7. Yen, H.J.R., Thi, H.P., and Li, E.Y.* (2021 October 26). Understanding customer-centric socialization in tourism services. Service Business (Springer), 15(4), 695-723. (SSCI)
  8. Li, E.Y.*, and Ko, S.-F. (2021). Employee's market orientation behavior and firm's internal marketing mechanism: A multilevel perspective of job performance theory. Sustainability (MDPI), 13(12), 6972, 1-25. . (SSCI)
  9. Sharma, R.S., Shaikh, A.A.*, and Li, E.Y. (2021). Designing Recommendation or Suggestion Systems: looking to the future. Electronic Market (Springer), May, 31(2), 1-10. (SSCI)
  10. Jiang, J., Feng, R., Li, E.Y.* (2021). Uncovering the providers' continuance intention of participation in sharing economy: A moderated mediation model. Sustainability (MDPI), 13(9), 5095, 1-19. (SSCI)
  11. Yang, L.J., Li, E.Y.*, Zhang, Y. (2020). Pricing and Subsidy Models for Transshipment Sustainability in the Three Gorges Dam Region of China. Sustainability (MDPI), 12(17), 7026, 1-17. (SSCI)
  12. Liu, Y.Q., Zhu, J.L., Li, E.Y., Meng, Z.Y.*, Song, Y. (2020). Environmental Regulation, Green Technological Innovation, and Eco-Efficiency: The Case of Yangtze River Economic Belt in China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (Elsevier), 155(June), Article 119993. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2020.119993 (SSCI)
  13. Meng, Z.Y., Li, E.Y., Qiu, R.* (2020). Environmental sustainability with free-floating carsharing services: An on-demand refueling recommendation system for Car2go in Seattle. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (Elsevier), 152(March), Article 119893. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119893 (SSCI)
  14. Li, Q., Liang, N., Li, E.Y.* (2018). Does Friendship Quality Matter in Social Commerce? An Experimental Study of Its Effect on Purchase Intention. Electronic Commerce Research (Springer), 18(4), 693-717. (SSCI)
  15. Lin, A.J., Li, E.Y.*, Lee, S.Y. (2018). Dysfunctional Customer Behavior in Cross-Border E-Commerce: A Justice-Affect-Behavior Model. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (CSULB), 19(1), 36-54. (SSCI)
  16. Wu, Y.L., and Li, E.Y.* (2018). Marketing Mix, Consumer Value, and Consumer Loyalty in Social Commerce: A Stimulus-Organism-Response Perspective. Internet Research (Emerald), 28(1), 74-104. (SSCI)
  17. Chen, C.M., Lin, Y.C.*, Li, E.Y., and Liu, C.C. (2017). Weather Uncertainty Effect on Tourism Demand. Research Note, Tourism Economics (Sage), 23 (2), 469-474. (SSCI)
  18. Shang, S.C., Wu, Y.L., Li, E.Y.* (2017.3). Field Effects of Social Media Platforms on Information Sharing Continuance: Do Reach and Richness Matter?. Information & Management (Elsevier), 54 (2), 241-255. (SSCI)
  19. Wu, Y.L., Li, E.Y.*, and Chang, W.L. (2016). Nurturing User Creative Performance in Social Media Networks: An Integration of Habit of Use with Social Capital and Information Exchange Theories. Internet Research (Emerald), 26 (4), 869-900. (SSCI)
  20. Li, E.Y.*, Tung, C.Y., Chang, S.H. (2016.8). The Wisdom of Crowds in Action: Forecasting Epidemic Diseases with a Web-based Prediction Market System. International Journal of Medical Informatics (Elsevier), 92, 35-43. (SCI/SSCI)
  21. Yen, H.J., Hu, P.J.H., Hsu, S.H.Y., and Li, E.Y.* (2015). A Multilevel Approach to Examine Employees' Loyal Use of ERP Systems in Organizations. Journal of Management Information Systems (T&F), 32 (4), 144-178. (SSCI)
  22. Chen, C.M., Yang, H.W.*, Li, E.Y., and Liu, C.C. (2015). How Does Hotel Pricing Influence Guest Satisfaction by the Moderating Influence of Room Occupancy?. Research Note, International Journal of Hospitality Management (Elsevier), 49, 136-138. (SSCI)
  23. Lin, A.J., Hsu, C.L., Li, E.Y.* (2014.8). Improving the Effectiveness of Experiential Decisions by Recommendation Systems. Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), 41 (10), 4904-4914. (SCI/SSCI)
  24. Li, E.Y.* (2014). Corporate Politics, Philanthropy, and Governance: Their Impacts on Unit Performance. Chinese Management Studies (Emerald), 8 (3), 279-287. (SSCI)
  25. Tsai, T.H., Lin, A.J., and Li, E.Y.* (2014). The Effects of Philanthropic Marketing on Brand Resonance and Consumer Satisfaction of CSR Performance: Does Media Self-Regulation Matter?. Chinese Management Studies (Emerald), 8 (3), 527-547. (SSCI)
  26. Li, E.Y., Liao, C.H., Yen, H.J.R.* (2013.11). Co-Authorship Networks and Research Impact: A Social Capital Perspective. Research Policy (Elsevier), 42 (9), 1515-1530. (SSCI; Top 5 Highly Cited Certificate).
  27. Li, E.Y.* and Parker, M. (2013.3). Citation Patterns in Organization and Management Journals: Margins and Centres. Organization (Sage), 20 (2), 299-322. (SSCI)
  28. Hsiao, C.C., Yen, H.J.R., Li, E.Y.* (2012). Exploring Consumer Value of Multi-Channel Shopping: A Perspective of Means-End Theory. Internet Research (Emerald), 22 (3), 318-339. (SCI/SSCI)
  29. Liao, C.H.*, Yen, H.J.R., Li, E.Y. (2011). The Effect of Channel Quality Inconsistency on the Association between E-Service Quality and Customer Relationships. Internet Research (Emerald), 21 (4), 458-478. (SCI/SSCI)
  30. Shang, S.C.*, Li, E.Y., Wu, Y.L., Hou, C.L. (2011.5). Understanding Web 2.0 Service Models: A Knowledge-Creating Perspective. Information & Management (Elsevier), 48 (4-5), 178-184. (SSCI)
  31. Tsai, M.T., Li, E.Y., Lee, K.W., and Tung, W.H.* (2011). Beyond ERP Implementation: The Moderating Effect of Knowledge Management on Business Performance. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (T&F, U.K.), 22 (2), 131-144. (SSCI)
  32. Chen, J.S., Yen, H.J.R., Li, E.Y.*, and Ching, R.K.H. (2009.3). Measuring CRM Effectiveness: Construct Development, Validation, and Application of a Process-Oriented Model. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (T&F, U.K.), 20 (3), 283-299. (SSCI)
  33. Huang, Y.H.*, Li, E.Y., and Chen, J.S. (2009.3). Information Synergy As the Catalyst Between IT Capability and Innovativeness: Empirical Evidence from Financial Service Sector. Information Research: An International Electronic Journal (Sweden), 14 (1), 1-11. (SSCI)
  34. Li, E.Y.*, Yen, H.J.R., and Cheng, C.Y.J. (2008.11). A Fit-Gap Analysis of E-Business Curricula and Job Demand in Taiwan and the U.S.. Computers & Education (Elsevier), 51 (3), 969-987. (SCI/SSCI)
  35. Yen, H.J.R.*, Li, E.Y., and Niehoff, B. (2008.9). Do Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Lead to Information System Success? Testing the Mediation Effects of Integration Climate and Project Management. Information & Management (Elsevier), 45 (6), 394-402. (SSCI)
  36. Hsia, T.L.*, Wu, J.H., and Li, E.Y. (2008.7). The E-Commerce Value Matrix and Use Case Model: A Goal-Driven Methodology for Eliciting B2C Application Requirements. Information & Management (Elsevier), 45 (5), 321-330. (SSCI)
  37. Li, E.Y.*, Chen, J.S., and Huang, Y.H. (2006). A Framework for Investigating the Impact of IT Capability and Organizational Capability on Firm Performance in the Late Industrializing Context. International Journal of Technology Management (Inderscience), 36 (1/2/3), 209-229. (SSCI)
  38. Lee, H.C., Huang, S.W., Li, E.Y.* (2006.1). Mining Protein-Protein Interaction Information on the Internet. Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), 30 (1), 142-148. (SCI/SSCI)
  39. Du, T.C., Li, E.Y.*, and Chou, D. (2005). Dynamic Vehicle Routing for Online B2C Delivery. OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science (Elsevier), 33 (1), 33-45. (SCI/SSCI).
  40. Wang, F.K., Du, T.C.*, and Li, E.Y. (2004.11-12). Applying Six-Sigma to Supplier Development. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (T&F, U.K.), 15 (9-10), 1217-1229. (SSCI)
  41. Cheung, W.M., Li, E.Y.*, Yee, L.W. (2003.11). Multimedia Learning System and Its Effect on Self-Efficacy in Database Modeling and Design: An Exploratory Study. Computers & Education (Elsevier), 41 (3), 249-270. (SCI/SSCI)
  42. Li, E.Y., Jiang, J.J., and Klein, G.* (2003.8). The Impact of Organizational Coordination and Climate on Marketing Executives' Satisfaction of IS Services," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (U.S.A.), 4 (4), 99-117. (SSCI)
  43. Li, E.Y.*, Chen, H.G., and Lee, T.S. (2003.7). A Longitudinal Study of Software Process Management in Taiwan's Top Companies. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (T&F, U.K.), 14 (5), 571-590. (SSCI)
  44. Wang, F.K. and Li, E.Y.* (2003.5). Confidence Intervals in Repeatability and Reproducibility Studies Using Bootstrap Method. Total Quality Management (T&F, U.K.), 14 (3), 341-354. (SSCI)
  45. Li, E.Y.*, Chen, H.G., and Lee, T.S. (2002). Software Process Management of Top Companies in Taiwan:  A Comparative Study. Total Quality Management (T&F, U.K.), 13 (5), 701-713. (SSCI)
  46. Li, E.Y.*, Zhao X.D., and Lee, T.S. (2001.7). Quality Management Initiatives in Hong Kong's Banking Industry: A Longitudinal Study. Total Quality Management (T&F, U.K.), 12 (4), 451-467. (SSCI)
  47. Li, E.Y.*, McLeod, R., Rogers, J.C. (2001.4). Marketing Information Systems in Fortune 500 Companies: A Longitudinal Analysis of 1980, 1990, and 2000. Information & Management (Elsevier), 38 (5), 307-322. (SCI/SSCI)
  48. Li, E.Y.* and Chen, H.G. (2001.1). Output-Driven Information System Planning:  A Case Study. Information & Management (Elsevier), 38 (3), 185-199. (SCI/SSCI)
  49. Li, E.Y.* (1997.1). Perceived Importance of Information System Success Factors: A Meta Analysis of Group Differences. Information & Management (Elsevier), 32 (1), 15-28. (SSCI)
  50. Li, E.Y.* (1995.1). Marketing Information Systems in the Top U.S. Companies: A Longitudinal Analysis. Information & Management (Elsevier), 28 (1), 13-31. (SCI/SSCI)
  51. Li, E.Y.* (1994.10). Artificial Neural Networks and Their Business Applications. Information & Management (Elsevier), 27 (5), 303-313. (SCI/SSCI)
  52. Rogers, R.E.*, Li, E.Y., and Ellis, R. (1994 Winter). Perceptions of Organizational Stress among Female Executives in the U.S. Government: An Exploratory Study. Public Personnel Management (Sage), 23 (4), 593- 609. (SSCI)
  53. Li, E.Y.* and Baillie, A.S. (1993.9). Mixing Case Method with Business Games: Student Evaluations. Simulation & Gaming (Sage), 24 (3), 336-355. (SSCI)
  54. Li, E.Y.*, McLeod, R., Jr., and Rogers, J.C. (1993 Summer). Marketing Information Systems in the Fortune 500 Companies: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of Management Information Systems (ME Sharpe), 10 (1), 165- 192. (SCI/SSCI)
  55. Li, E.Y.* and Rogers, J.C. (1991.1). An Information System Profile of U.S. Companies. Information & Management (Elsevier), 21 (1), 19-36. (SCI/SSCI)
  56. Li, E.Y.* and Shani, A.B. (1991 Spring). Stress Dynamics of Information Systems Managers: A Contingency Approach. Journal of Management Information Systems (ME Sharpe), 7 (4), 107- 130. (SCI/SSCI)
  57. Li, E.Y.* (1990.8). Software Testing in a System Development Process: A Life Cycle Perspective. Journal of Systems Management (U.S.A.), 41 (8), 23-31. (SSCI)
  58. Li, E.Y.* (1989 Fall). Software Testing Techniques in Information Systems Curricula. The Journal of Computer Information Systems (U.S.A.), 30 (1), 54-61. (SCI/SSCI)
  59. Rogers, R.E.*, Li, E.Y., and Shani, A.B. (1987.6). Perceptions of Organizational Stress Among U.S. Military Officers in Germany: An Exploratory Study. Group & Organization Studies (renamed to Group and Organization Management) (Sage), 12 (2), 189-207. (SSCI)


*** SCI/ SCIE/ ESCI Journal Papers ***

  1. Zhang, H., Li, E.Y., Jiang, J.*, Fu, W.H., Peng, S.J., Zhan, S.Q. (2023.10). Resilience of operational performance in China's insurance companies: A dynamic data envelopment analysis. IEEE Access (IEEE), 11, 112502-112514. (SCIE)
  2. Li, E.Y., Chang, L.F.K.*, and Jan, A. (2023.7). Understanding the virtual experiential value and its effect on travel intention. Int. J. Internet Marketing and Advertising (Inderscience), 19(3/4), 263-285. (EI/Scopus/ESCI)
  3. Yang, L.J., Lin, X., Li, E.Y.*, Tavasszy, L. (2023.5). Lock congestion relief in a multimodal network with public subsidies and competitive carriers: a two-stage game model. IEEE Access (IEEE), 11(April 17), 43707 - 43719. (SCIE)
  4. Chang, W.L., Yuan, S.T., and Li, E.Y.* (2009.11). iCare Home Portal: An Extended Model for Quality Aging e-Services. Communications of the ACM (USA), 52 (11), 1-7. (SCI)
  5. Li, E.Y.*, Du, T.C., and Wong, J.W. (2007.3). Access Control in Collaborative Commerce. Decision Support Systems (Elsevier), 43 (2), 675-685. (SCI)
  6. Du, T.C.*, Li, E.Y., Rau, H., and Lian, G.Y. (2005). Reverse Simulation for Collaborative Commerce: A Study of Integrating Object-Oriented Database Technology with Object-Oriented Simulator. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (Springer), 17 (3), 227-250. (SCI)
  7. Wild, R.H., Griggs, K.A., and Li, E.Y.* (2005). An Architecture for Distributed Scenario Building and Evaluation: Collaborative Learning from the Future. Communications of the ACM (U.S.A.), 48 (11), 80-86. (SCI)
  8. Du, T.C., Li, E.Y.*, and Wei, E. (2005.5). Mobile Agents for Brokering Service in Electronic Marketplace. Decision Support Systems (Elsevier), 39 (3), 371-383. (SCI).
  9. Du, T.C., Li, E.Y.*, and Chang, A.P. (2003.7). Mobile Agents in Distributed Network Management. Communications of the ACM (U.S.A.), 46 (7), 127-132. (SCI)
  10. Griggs, K.A.*, Wild, R.H., and Li, E.Y. (2002). A Web-Based Knowledge Management Environment for Consulting and Research Organizations. Journal of Computer Information Systems (U.S.A.), 42 (5), 110-118. (SCI)
  11. Li, E.Y.*, Chen, H.G., and Roan, J.S. (2001 Winter). Marketing Information Systems Usage in Taiwan's Top 1000 Companies. Journal of Computer Information Systems (U.S.A.), 41 (2), 85-94. (SCI)


*** EI Journal Papers ***

  1. Guan, C. and Li, E.Y.* (2021). A note on influencer marketing in social media. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising (Inderscience), 15(2), 123-130. (EI/Scopus/ESCI)
  2. Liang, X., Jiang, J., Li, E.Y.* (2018). IT-based entrepreneurship in sharing economy: the mediating role of value expectancy in micro-entrepreneur's passion and persistence. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management (Inderscience), 10(4), 352-373. doi: 10.1504/IJISCM.2018.098400 (EI)
  3. Huang, M.H., Li, E.Y.*, and Wong, C.S. (2015). A Multilevel Model of Information System Success in the User Department: Integrating Job Performance Theory and Field Theory. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management (Inderscience), 7 (4), 286-307. (EI/Scopus)
  4. Li, E.Y., Tung, C.Y., Chang, S.H.* (2015). User Adoption of Wisdom of Crowd: Usage and Performance of Prediction Market System. International Journal of Electronic Business (Inderscience), 12 (2), 185-214. (Inspec/Scopus). (EI Accession: 15547567)
  5. Cheng, L.H.*, Wen, C.T., Li, E.Y., Lin, T.Y. (2012). Service Innovation Activities in E-Government Initiatives: The Taiwan Experience. International Journal of Services Technology and Management (Inderscience), 17 (1), 54-71. (EI)
  6. Chen, J.S.* and Li, E.Y. (2010). The Effect of Information Technology Adoption and Design Customisation on the Success of New Product Development. International Journal of Electronic Business (Inderscience), 8 (6), 550-578. (Inspec/Scopus). (EI Accession: 12156514)
  7. Li, E.Y. (2009.7). Journal Self-Citation III: Exploring the Self-Citation Patterns in MIS Journals. Communications of the AIS (USA), 25, Article 3, 21-32.
  8. (EI Accession: 20131716239868)
  9. Du, T.C.*, Li, E.Y., and Wong, J.W. (2007). Document Access Control in Organisational Workflows. International Journal of Information and Computer Security (Inderscience), 1 (4), 437-454. (EI/Scopus)
  10. Li, E.Y., Biggs, J.R.*, and Thies, E.A. (2005 Fall). Managing Constrained Capacity: A Simulation Study. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (Inderscience), 3 (4), 365-384. (Inspec). (EI Accession: 8832750)
  11. Li, E.Y.* (1997 Winter). Marketing Information Systems in Small Companies. Information Resources Management Journal (IGI, U.S.A.), 10 (1), 27-35. (EI Accession: 5550097)
  12. Li, E.Y.*, Rogers, J.C., and Chang, H.A. (1994 Summer). An Empirical Reassessment of the Measure of Information System Sophistication. Information Resources Management Journal (IGI, U.S.A.), 7(3), 3-19. (EI Accession: 4762860)


*** TSSCI Journal Papers ***

  1. Li, E.Y.*, Chang, L.F.K., Hsu, A.C.L., and Liao, C.H. (2017). Information Management Research in Taiwan: Historical Retrospect and Future Outlook (in Chinese). NTU Management Review (Taiwan), 27(4), 169-206. (TSSCI). PPT
  2. Li, E.Y.*, and Chang, L.F.K. (2016). Design Factors of Mobile Museum Navigation System in the SmartPhone APP (in Chinese). Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies (Taiwan), 22 (1), 61-94. (TSSCI)
  3. Chiu, M.C., Chang, S.S.*, and Li, E.Y. (2015.4). Gudeng Precision Co.- Swatting a Fly with a Sledgehammer: Who Should Bear the Cost?. (Chinese version). Management Review (Taiwan), 34 (2), 147-155 | Chinese version: 39-59. (TSSCI)
  4. Li, E.Y.*, Chang, S.H., and Lin, C.C. (2011). A Study of User Intention on Video Sharing Website (in Chinese). Journal of Information Management (CSIM, Taiwan), 18 (1), 53-76. (TSSCI)
  5. Li, E.Y., Cheng, C.Y.J.*, Yen, H.J.R., and Lin, H.F. (2009.7). The Relationship between Personality Trait and Programming Performance under Pair-Programming Environment (in Chinese). Journal of Information Management (CSIM, Taiwan), 16 (3), 143-169. (TSSCI)
  6. Chen, C.W., Li, E.Y.*, Yen, H.J.R., and Cheng, C.Y.J. (2008.7). A Behavioral Model of Consumer's Usage of Shopping Website (in Chinese). Journal of Information Management (CSIM, Taiwan), 15 (3), 1-27. (TSSCI)
  7. Li, E.Y.*, Yen, H.J.R., Chang, F.K.L., and Cheng, C.Y.J. (2007). A Comparative Analysis of E-Business Curricula and Industry Need (in Chinese). Journal of Information Management (CSIM, Taiwan), 14 (3), 67-100. (TSSCI)
  8. Yen, H.J.R., Li, E.Y.*, Hsiao, C.C., Lee, K.S. (2006). The Hierarchical Exploration of Customer Relational Benefits: An Application of Means-End Chain (in Chinese). Management Review (Taiwan), 25 (1), 95-120. (TSSCI)
  9. Chen, H.G.* and Li, EY. (2005.4). An Object-Oriented Decision Support System: A Case of Inventory Management. Journal of Information Management, (CSIM, Taiwan), 12 (2), 221-249. (TSSCI)
  10. Chen, H.G.*, Li, E.Y. (2002.1). Application of Total Quality Management in Software Development (in Chinese). Journal of E-Business (Taiwan), 4 (1), 89-106. (TSSCI)
  11. Chen H.G.*, Li, E.Y., Chiou, H.S. (1998 Spring). ISO9000 System in Taiwan's Manufacturing Industry: Information Systems Perspective (in Chinese). Sun Yat-Sen Management Reviews (Taiwan), 6 (1), 85-114. (Winner of the "1998 Most Valuable and Practical Article" award from Mao-Barng Chen Memorial Foundation and Sun Yat-Sen Management Reviews.) (TSSCI)
  12. Li, E.Y.*, Li, C.N., and Chen, H.G. (1996.6). Organizational Characteristics and Marketing Information Systems: A Study of Large Scale Companies in Taiwan (in Chinese). Journal of Information Management (CSIM, Taiwan), 3 (1), 1-19. (TSSCI)


*** Other Journal Papers ***

  1. Li, E.Y. (2023.3). How to Master the Quality and Quantity of Academic Publishing. Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter Quarterly (in Chinese) (NSTC, Taiwan), 24 (2), 65-68. (Table of Contents)
  2. Sharma, R.S.*, Li, E.Y., and Govindraj, R. (2014). Adoption of Mobile Internet Devices and Services: A Multinational Study. International Journal of Information Systems and Management (Inderscience), 1 (1/2), 60-82.
  3. Chen, H.G.*, Li, E.Y., Jiang, J.J., and Wu, M. (2002 Winter). Software Project Process Management Maturity and Project Performance: An Examination of Taiwan's Software Companies. Communications of the ICISA (U.S.A.), IV (1), 1-17.
  4. Li, E.Y.*, Zhao X.D., and Lee, T.S. (2001). Quality Management Initiatives In Banking Industry: A Meta Analysis of Hong Kong and United Kingdom. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management (U.K.), 18 (6), 570-583. (Scopus)
  5. Chen, H.G.*, Yang, L.L., and Li, E.Y. (2001). The Implementation of Business Process Reengineering: A Study of Large Companies in Taiwan (in Chinese). Fu Jen Studies: Law and Management College Section (Taiwan), 32, 19-38.
  6. Li, E.Y.*, Chen, H.G., and Cheung, W.M. (2000.1). Total Quality Management in Software Development Process. The Journal of Quality Assurance Institute  (U.S.A.), 14 (1), 4-6, 35-41.
  7. Li, E.Y.* (1999.10). Beyond the Y2K Compliance: A System Approach to Solving Year-Digit and Leap-Year Problems. The Journal of Quality Assurance Institute (U.S.A.), 13 (4), 14-20, 24-26.
  8. Biggs, J.R.*, Li, E.Y., and Rogers, J.C. (1998 Fall). The Effects of Back Ordering on Performance: Marketing and Production Cooperation in Supply Chain Management. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (U.S.A.), 6 (4), 26-40.
  9. Li, E.Y.* (1998.10). A Structured Approach to Developing Test Plans. The Journal of the Quality Assurance Institute (U.S.A.), 12 (4), 36-48. (Winner of the "Best Article 1998" award.)
  10. Li, E.Y.* (1997 Fall). Measuring Faculty Performance: A Model Made In Taiwan. Communications of the ICISA (U.S.A.), 15-28.
  11. Li, E.Y.*, Yih, J.Y., and Chen, H.G. (1996.11.30). An IS Profile of Large Companies in Taiwan (in Chinese). Information Executives (Taiwan). No. 37, 6-12.
  12. Chen, H.G.*, Chang, C.M., and Li, E.Y. (1996.10). TQM-Based Information System Architecture for Middle School Administration (in Chinese). Information and Education (Taiwan), No. 55, 32-42. (Winner of the "Best Article 1996" award from the Department of Education of Taiwan Provincial Government.)
  13. Li, E.Y.* and Soenen, L. (1994 Spring). Dollar Value of the Yen and Stock Price Reactions in Japan. Journal of Global Business (U.S.A.), 5 (1), 5-12.
  14. Li, E.Y.* (1990 April). Structural Software Testing: The Complexity-Based Approach. Quality Data Processing (U.S.A.), 4 (2), 34-38.
  15. Li, E.Y.* (1989.7). Structured Testing in the System Development Life Cycle. Quality Data Processing (U.S.A.), 3 (3), 11-19. (Winner of the "Best Article 1989" award.)
  16. Li, E.Y.* (1987.7). On the Cyclomatic Metric of Program Complexity. Quality Data Processing (U.S.A.), 1 (3), 15-23.
  17. Li, E.Y.* (1979.5). Test of Normality of the Betas in the (U.S.) Stock Market. Journal of International Trade (Taiwan). No. 27, 39-44.


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